Monday, June 1, 2020

Offering of Dharba grass to Lord Ganesha

Offering of Dharba grass to Lord Ganesa

You have seen bunches of Dharba (Desmotachya bipinnata)  grass being offered to Lord Ganesa. Ever wondered why?

Legend goes this way. Once upon a time, there lived a demon named Analasura (anal=Fire, asura=demon). Unable to tolerate his continued abuse, Rishis and Devas approached Lord Siva for relief. Lord Siva asked his son, Ganesa to help. In the ensuing confrontation, Lord Ganesa swallowed Analasura. After awhile, the intense heat in his stomach made Ganesa uneasy. Devas and Rishis covered his body with the cool Dharba grass and the Lord was relieved of the discomfort. To continue to please Him, devotees offer Dharba grass to Lord Ganesa.

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